Modern Slavery Prevention Statement

We conduct our business fairly, ethically and with respect to fundamental human rights. We are committed to the prevention of all forms of Modern Slavery, both in our business and in our supply chains. We will not tolerate it.

Construct4lyfe Ltd is committed to ensuring that our supply chain is free from
modern slavery. We have taken a number of measures to demonstrate our reliability
in this area, including:
• Adopting and implementing a modern slavery policy: Our modern slavery
policy sets out our commitment to preventing modern slavery in our supply
chain. The policy includes a number of specific requirements, such as
conducting due diligence on our suppliers and requiring them to have their
own modern slavery policies.
• Carrying out due diligence on our suppliers: We carry out due diligence on all
of our suppliers to assess their risk of modern slavery. This due diligence
includes reviewing their modern slavery policies, conducting interviews with
their staff, and visiting their premises.
• Working with suppliers to address any risks of modern slavery: If we identify
any risks of modern slavery in our supply chain, we work with our suppliers to
address these risks. This may involve providing them with training on modern
slavery, or requiring them to take specific actions to prevent modern slavery.
• Encouraging whistleblowing: We encourage our employees and suppliers to
report any concerns they may have about modern slavery in our supply chain.
We have a whistleblowing policy in place that protects employees and
suppliers who report concerns in good faith.
We believe that these measures demonstrate our commitment to preventing modern
slavery in our supply chain. We are committed to continuing to work in this area to
ensure that our supply chain is free from modern slavery.